Map Settings
Manage the general information of your map such as name, internal description, search terms, thumbnail and favicon.
Name of the map project
If you want to change the name of your project, you can do so in this form field.
Description (internal)
In this field you can optionally enter a description of your project. This is for internal organisation so that everyone working on the project can see what the project is about.
Search terms
In this field you can optionally collect search terms that describe your map project. This collection is for internal organisation and only becomes relevant if you plan a search across several map projects. A cross-map search is currently not implemented - feel free to contact our support team if this option is important to you.
Preview image
Optionally upload a preview image. This image will be shown in the map overview and will be displayed as a preview image when sharing via social media channels. If you embed the map with a div-embed-code, this thumbnail will be visible on the external website.
Create an individual shortcut icon for your live map by uploading an image here. The image should have a square format (ideally 32x32px) and be in .png or .jpg format.